Smart Ways to Charge UPS Without Electricity: A Complete Guide

Nowadays, every small and big computer has a UPS which keeps the computer running even after the power goes off so that your work continues, and you do not face any problem in work when the power goes off. UPS is used in many places other than computers, but we know that UPS gives backup when the power goes off and when the power comes back, the UPS gets charged, but can UPS be charged without electricity.?

We have given detailed information about how you can charge your UPS even without electricity, yes it is true that UPS can be charged even without electricity. Information about all those methods is given below by which you can charge UPS without electricity.

How To Charge UPS Without Electricity

Smart Ways to Charge UPS Without Electricity

What Is UPS.?

If you are doing some important work on your computer and suddenly the power goes out in your home, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) helps by providing backup power. During power cuts, it ensures that your computer, TV, and other important appliances continue to run without any interruption,

Using Solar Power: Getting Energy From The Sun

How To Charge UPS Using Solar Penal

Why Solar Power a Good Idea For Charging a UPS?

Solar power is a great way to charge your UPS because it uses energy from the sun. It’s clean, free, and available almost everywhere. Here’s how you can use solar power to charge your UPS:

Setting Up Solar Power for Your UPS

Solar panels: generate energy from the sun’s rays. Solar panels should be installed in a place where they get ample sunlight. When solar panels get more sunlight, they generate more energy.

Charge controller: This will control the energy coming from the solar panels, so that if excess power is going to the battery from the solar panels, it stops it, so that the battery does not get damaged.

Battery: stores energy inside itself, that is why you will need a battery in which you can store the energy obtained from the solar panels and use the stored energy.

Inverter: connects to the battery and generates 230 volt AC electricity, with which you can run anything and UPS can also be charged by connecting it to the inverter.

Process Of UPS Charging: Using Solar Penals

You will see 2 wires in the solar panel, positive and negative. Connect those two wires to the charger controller, and connect the wire coming out of the charger to the positive and negative terminals of the battery so that the inverter battery will get charged in some time. The connection process is explained in detail below.

Connect Inverter Battery To The Inverter

It is very easy to connect the battery to the inverter. No matter which company’s inverter you have. Connect the two wires coming from the inverter to the battery which we had put on charging in the solar panel, connect the positive wire of the inverter to the positive terminal of that battery. And connect the negative wire of the inverter to the negative terminal of the battery. Then turn on the inverter, after this your inverter is ready to give 230 volts.

Connect UPS to Inverter

When the inverter is ready to give 230 volts, then you can run the lights of the whole house from the inverter and also charge the UPS. Connect the plug of the UPS to the socket of the inverter. Then in some time your UPS will be charged successfully.

Method 2: Charge UPS Using Solar Power

There is another way to charge UPS with solar panels. If you do not have an inverter or inverter battery, then you can easily charge your UPS with just solar panels and charging controller. Let us know how to charge UPS with the help of solar panels without inverter.

Open Your UPS: Using a Screwdriver

To charge the UPS with the solar panel, you have to open the UPS. Open the cover of your UPS carefully with the help of a screwdriver. Inside you will find a 12 volt battery. To charge the UPS, you have to charge that battery.

Remove UPS battery & Connect to Charging Controller

After opening the UPS carefully, take out the battery carefully. You will see 2 terminals on the battery, connect the charging controller to those two terminals. Make sure that the connection is not reversed. If the connection is reversed, then the UPS battery may get damaged. Connect the positive wire of the charging controller to the positive terminal of the battery and connect the negative wire to the negative terminal of the battery, and then turn on the charging controller.

Connect Charging Controller to Solar Penal

After connecting the battery to the charging controller, connect the charging controller to the solar panel. Place the solar panels in a place where they can get plenty of sunlight. Solar panels convert the sun’s energy into electrical energy. The more sunlight the solar panel gets, the more power the solar panel will produce. After setting up the solar panel, your UPS battery will get charged in some time, then fit the battery in the UPS in the same way as you removed it from the UPS, and then you can use the UPS.

Choosing The Right Equipment

You can use either of the two technologies to charge your UPS, but you must choose the best charging controller, inverter, battery, and solar panel so that your UPS does not get damaged and you are also safe

Using a Car to Charge UPS

If your home has lost power and your UPS battery is dead. And you want to charge UPS without electricity. But you do not have a solar panel. Then do not be disappointed. If you have a car, you can also charge UPS from your car. Yes, it is true that you can successfully charge UPS from your car. Let’s know how to charge UPS from a car.

Using a Car to Charge UPS

Tools and Materials Needed: For Charge UPS Using a Car

  • Charging controller: To charge your UPS from the car, you will need a charging controller that will keep your UPS battery safe. Do not try to charge the UPS battery without a charging controller. Charging without a charging controller may damage The UPS battery.
  • Jumper Cables: To charge UPS from the car, you will need jumper cables. Jumper cable is a type of wire that works to charge a dead battery from another charged battery.
  • Multimeter: To check the battery voltage, you will need a multimeter. Battery voltage can be measured easily with a multimeter.

Open Your UPS & Remove UPS Battery

To charge your UPS from your car, you need to open your UPS and remove its battery. Using a screwdriver, carefully open the cover of the UPS and remove the battery. Be careful not to damage the UPS while removing the battery.

Open Your Car Bonnet

To charge the UPS from your car, open the bonnet of your car and connect the UPS battery to the car battery using jumper cables and charging controller. After connecting, start your car. Starting the car is very important. Charging the battery without starting the car can drain the car battery. After starting the car, your UPS battery will charge after some time. Check the voltage of the UPS battery with a multimeter from time to time.

Check Voltage Using Multimeter

When your UPS battery is fully charged, it outputs more than 13 volts. When the UPS battery shows a voltage of more than 13 volts when tested with a multimeter, carefully remove the battery from charging and reinsert it into the UPS in the same way you removed the UPS battery from the UPS. Make the battery connections carefully. Make sure that the battery connections are not reversed. Reverse connections may damage the UPS.

UPS Ready to Use

After fitting the battery in the UPS, you can see that your UPS will get charged without electricity with the help of the car, and then you can use your UPS.

Method 2: Charge UPS Using a Car

If your UPS is under warranty, then do not open your UPS. After opening the UPS its battery will get charged but the warranty given by the company on the UPS may expire. But you will be happy to know that there is another way to charge UPS from the car, in which you can charge your UPS without opening it. But before using this technique you must know that you should use it only when there is an extreme need because repeatedly charging the UPS with this technique can affect both your car and UPS.

Need Inverter

In the second method, we are going to charge the UPS with the help of an inverter. With the help of a car and an inverter, we will generate 230 volts of electricity, which will help you charge the UPS. That is why you should have an inverter.

Take Care of Your Car

Before charging the UPS with the car, park the car in such a place that the car does not get wet even if it rains because during charging the bonnet of your car will remain open. And if rainwater enters your car, then the car may get damaged.

Start UPS Charging Process Using Car & Inverter

Connect Inverter To Car Battery

To charge UPS from the car, open the bonnet of your car and connect the inverter to the terminal of the car battery. It is very important that the connection is correct. Connect the red wire of the inverter to the positive terminal of the battery, and connect the black wire of the inverter to the negative terminal of the battery. Do the connection carefully and make sure that there is no wrong connection. Making a wrong connection can burn the inverter and the entire wiring of your car, so do not take it lightly.

Start Your Car After Connection

After connecting the inverter properly, start your car. It is important to start the car because your car battery will be used while charging the UPS. If you charge the UPS without starting the car, then your car battery may get drained. That is why it is critical to keep the car running till the UPS is charging.

Switch ON Inverter And Connect UPS

After starting your car, turn on the inverter and connect the plug of the UPS to the socket of the inverter. After connecting, you will see that your UPS is charging. Your UPS will charge depending on the battery of your UPS. If your UPS has a large battery, it may take time to charge. You can use the UPS once it is fully charged.

Please Note

You have learned to start the inverter with the help of a car, but do not misuse it. You might be thinking that if the inverter can be started with the help of a car. Then we can run anything with it, we can even run the electricity of the whole house, but this technique can be used only to charge devices like UPS, mobile, laptop and that too when you need it very much.

If you use this technique to run a heavy appliance or power house instead of charging the UPS, then the entire wiring of your car can burn, the car can catch fire and your car battery can be completely damaged. That’s why, don’t do this.

Important things

Use the above-mentioned technique only in case of emergency or if you have some urgent work, then only try to charge your UPS without electricity. Because doing this every day is not right as it can affect the battery of your UPS.

Do it safely

Above, you have been told about the various processes of charging UPS without electricity. You can use any technique to charge your UPS without electricity, but you have to do this work carefully because charging UPS without electricity is a bit of risky work, so do it carefully.

Charge UPS According to Weather

Before charging your UPS without electricity, check the weather conditions outside your area. If the sky is not clear or there is no good sunlight, do not charge the UPS using solar panels, as this will only waste your time. Solar panels require bright sunlight. Solar panels cannot produce electricity without strong sunlight.

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